
January 9, 2020

January Impact Committee Consideration


Overview of Item: Launched in May 2012, NonProfit Westchester (NPW) is an association of not-for-profits in Westchester, which was created as a result of the 2012 Not-for-Profit Leadership Summit. United Way of Westchester and Putnam has supported NPW each year since its inception.  Its purpose is to assist over 5,000 nonprofits in Westchester, which collectively employ more than 97,000 people – 20% of the workforce – and make an economic impact of $23.5 billion annually.  NonProfit Westchester’s purpose is to demonstrate that by working together, nonprofits can wield greater influence and more effectively solve problems.   NPW’s membership has now grown to 181 organizations in Westchester.

In the past, UWWP granted $1,200 to support NPW, the organization is seeking an additional $1,000 of support to underwrite the professional development trainings provided by NPW to its membership.

The administration views the investment as a way to further leverage UWWP’s dollars by supporting the capacity building of local nonprofits.

In addition to being able to track the impact, as a $2,200 partner, UWWP would also receive the following exposure: logo placement in NPW’s electronic communication (3 to 5 per week), Annual Celebration & Meeting Acknowledgment, 2 Social Media posts and Website/Newsletter acknowledgments, primary underwriter of 1 event, 1 Westchester Talkradio interview, as well as a press release and photo op acknowledging the grant.

Action Sought:  Approval of the administration’s recommendation to appropriate $2,200 to support NonProfit Westchester for 2019-2020.

Exhibits Attached: None.  Copies of NPW’s request for funding are available at the UW office.



Overview of Item: The Association of Development Officers (ADO) was born when six development directors gathered in the summer of 1980 to talk about their agencies and brainstorm. This group understood that they had a lot to offer one another, and that they were stronger together. That fall it offered its very first educational workshop, and has continued to do so ever since. ADO hosts about 10 professional development workshops annually.

ADO is requesting a $1,000 grant to underwrite its annual awards breakfast which financially supports the organization’s ongoing professional development activities, scholarships, and internship program.

The administration views the investment as a way to further leverage UWWP’s dollars by supporting the capacity building of local nonprofits.

In addition to being able to track the impact, as a $1,000 partner, UWWP would also receive 4 tickets to the Philanthropy Awards Breakfast on March 4, 2020, a half-page journal ad in its journal and a listing in the journal.

Action Sought:  Approval of the Impact Committee recommendation to appropriate $1,000 to support the Association of Development Officers for 2019-2020.

Exhibits Attached: None.  Copies of ADO’s request for funding are available at the UW office.


  1. PROPOSED Revised financial narrative of the Nonprofit leadership summit

The Summit Committee held its first meeting to plan the Nonprofit Leadership Summit 2020 on December 11, 2019. The Summit will be held this year on Monday, May 4, 2020. As in previous years, the Summit will focus on how to help volunteer and professional leaders in the not-for-profit sector identify emerging challenges and opportunities, shape new leadership strategies and build organizations that excel. The conference will feature a wide range of breakout sessions focused on issues facing nonprofits.

The 2020 keynote speakers will be Richard Brown, vice president of philanthropy at American Express, and Sean Thomas- Breitfeld, co-author of the Race to Lead report and co-director of the Building Movement Project.

Academic partners and professional organizations will once again offer continuing education credit for qualifying workshops.

In past years, UWWP has appropriated up to $10,000 a year toward the event as an investment in capacity building. The current administration views UWWP’s investment as much greater. It is the belief of the administration that UWWP invests the total expense of the event, approximately $85,000, but raises funds through sponsorships, tables, and tickets to offset most of the investment.

It is recommended that UWWP look at the financial aspect of running the Summit as it would its other major events: the gala, golf outing, and Women’s Leadership Breakfast.

In addition, it is recommended that UWWP raise the ticket prices from $50 ($40 for each additional person from an organization) to $75/$60 respectively, which is still much less than similar training events in the area.

Action Requested: Consent from the Impact Committee to change the financial narrative of the Nonprofit Leadership Summit.

Exhibits Attached: None