
March 16, 2020

Nonprofit Westchester and United Way Convene Nonprofits to Assess Needs and Develop a Collaborative Action Plan in Relation to the Coronavirus

The United Way of Westchester and Putnam and Nonprofit Westchester organized a meeting with executives from local not-for-profit organizations and as well as county, state and federal government representatives on Thursday, March 12, 2020, to assess the needs that the nonprofits are seeing through their work and developing a collaborative action plan to address the issues in the community related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

The nonprofit executives noted that the ramifications of the Coronavirus extend not only to the health of our most vulnerable populations, seniors and those with compromised immune systems, but to livelihood of many families with low incomes and/or the those living paycheck-to-paycheck.

“Nonprofits are seeing an increase in demand because people are finding themselves in situations where their employment is jeopardized due to facility closures or lack of available childcare and their access to basic necessities, including food and diapers, is compromised,” said United Way of Westchester and Putnam President and CEO Tom Gabriel. “As during any time of crisis, the nonprofit sector will come together and serve the needs of the community.”

Facility closures and mandated social distancing is also impacting the ability of many nonprofits from serving their clients, which has a twofold result. First, the clients with needs are not being served. Second, for many organizations the programs generate revenue which is needed to cover the expense of operations.

Additionally, facility closures and mandated social distancing are also hindering the nonprofits’ ability to use events to raise the necessary funds to continue operating their organizations.

“The financial impact of the coronavirus on the nonprofits is a huge problem that will have lasting repercussions,” said Jan Fisher, executive director of Nonprofit Westchester. “Nonprofits are not typically allowed to get assistance from the Small Business Administration, however, we no longer live in a typical time. If not through the SBA, the Federal and State governments need to find a way to help the nonprofit sector through these troubled waters, so that we can continue to help those in need.”

United Way of Westchester and Putnam and Nonprofit Westchester is continuing to gather information from local nonprofits to fully access their needs, as well as keep the nonprofits updated on useful resources through this time. They are also working with Volunteer NY! to identify the volunteer needs of the nonprofits and match them with individuals and groups that are interested in volunteering.