
Ride United Last Mile Delivery Program Resources

Frequently Asked Questions


What Items Can Be Delivered? 

The table below is a list of pre-approved items that are acceptable for deliveries when deemed necessary by 211s and local United Ways in coordination with community partners. If you are unsure if an item qualifies as approved or are addressing a local need that isn’t listed on the Approved Items table, please email Candace at, and she can help determine if the item can be added to the list based on local need.  

*Note: prescription medications are not approved for delivery at this time because DoorDash has a stringent compliance process for engaging in prescription delivery, and we do not fall within that compliance. Further, additional liability concerns have not been addressed by our legal team associated with delivering prescriptions. 



What are the size limits for deliveries? 

Small vs. Large Orders 

“Small orders” refer to the type of order being scheduled, which is tied to the number of orders that will be batched together (and thus, the weight and size of the order) – small order does not refer to the total amount of orders being scheduled through the Portal. There are no limitations to the number of orders that can be scheduled through the Merchant Portal. Once orders are uploaded, small orders are batched together in groups of up to 10 orders for one Dasher to complete along an efficient route. 


Small Orders: Bulk Uploads – Requirements

– Each box/bag should be ≤25 lbs 

– Enough deliveries for ~10 Clients should be able to fit in one Dasher’s trunk (plan for the size of a Prius).  

– Therefore, we ask that the number of items per Client should be either: 1) equal to or less than two paper grocery bags, OR 2) equal to or less than one box (≤16” on any given side), OR 3) equal to or less than one box (≤12” on any given side) and one paper grocery bag.  

– Again, each of these boxes/bags should weigh less than 25 lbs.  


Large Orders:  

Some orders that are too large in size and unable to be split up between multiple small orders are considered “large orders” and will need to be scheduled differently. Please let us know if an order you are placing is a Large order. 

What Troubleshooting does UWWP Offer? 

Troubleshooting UWWP offers: 

– Rescheduling of canceled deliveries  

– Rescheduling of troubleshooting deliveries  

– Rescheduling of deliveries where a Dasher is a no-show  

– All changes to delivery orders: address, drop-off instructions, name, phone #, etc. 

– Verifying the status of a delivery  

– Blocking/preferring a Dasher  


For all troubleshooting, please contact Candace Kelliher | | Phone: 914 997 6700 X 779



On what days of the week are the RULMD program available? 

The RULMD Program is available Monday-Friday,  as long as the order submission deadlines are met. Please note that UWWP Staff is only available to assist with troubleshooting between 9 AM-4 PM, Monday-Friday. 



What format should I use to submit my bulk delivery order lists?

Please use the below link for details on how to complete a bulk order list: 

Please use the link below to download a copy of the bulk order template:


How long after deliveries are picked up can clients expect their deliveries?  

Generally, all orders are delivered by Dashers within ~90 minutes of pickup (though, in 2021, nationally, this was closer to ~70 minutes for United Way/ 211 teams). 



Can batching be increased for Dashers to pick up more than ten items at a time? 

Yes, we can increase batching up to twenty Items per Dasher. 


Some Important Considerations to Inform Your Decision:  

+ Temperature/Perishable Items: Generally, all orders are delivered by Dashers within ~90 minutes of pickup (though, in 2021, nationally, this was closer to ~70 minutes for United Way/ 211 teams). So, when thinking about how increasing batching may impact any perishable or temperature-sensitive items, I would assume a +10 minute increase for each order in a batch. For instance, if you increase to 13 orders/batch, I would assume all orders will be delivered in ~2 hours. If you increase to 20 orders/batch, I would assume all orders will be delivered in ~3 hours. 

+ Vehicle Size: Per usual, consider how many orders would fit into a standard vehicle. Additionally, like other orders, consider each order to be a row in your upload sheet. So, for example, if each client is receiving 5 items, those 5 items would be considered 1 order – if you could fit 11-20 clients’ worth of orders into a standard vehicle this would be logistically feasible.  

Are you satisfied with the Ride Untied Last Mile Delivery Program? Tell us how you feel about the program so we can create a better user experience for you and your clients.

Click the link below to take the RULMD partner satisfaction survey.