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Wednesday Main Stage with Kishshana Palmer

Learning Opportunities Related to Promoting Diversity in Marketing and Fundraising


Diversification of the Fundraising Profession: Nonprofits’ Role
by Clarenda Stanley-Anderson.

Points to Highlight  

  • “The reality is that the face of wealth is changing and with these changes, the face of fundraising must change as well. The Census Bureau projects that by 2043, the United States will be a majority-minority nation and, by 2060, the non-Hispanic White population will make up only 40 percent of the total population.

  • “In response to the question “Do you feel that inclusiveness is a priority for your organization?” a majority (89%) indicated they feel that they are treated fairly in the organization. Responses indicated that a higher percentage of White than people of color feel that their organization is inclusive and that they are treated fairly.”

  • “The approach to diversity in philanthropy must be multi-layered. People are apt to develop a rapport quicker with those they can instantly find something in common with which has been largely why many fundraisers match the primary demographic in their portfolio. However, are organization’s doing their donors a disservice by not giving them the chance to connect with someone different than them?”

  • “To address this, organizations can ensure that they work strategically to diversify boards but steer clear of adding board members simply because they satisfy an underrepresented group. As Chandler states, “conversations about diversity must move beyond “checking-a-box” on a board matrix, because diversity is not just about gender, or only skin deep.””


A New Age in America: Donors and Diverse Philanthropy
by Tarsha Whitaker Calloway.

Points to Highlight

  • According to a recent report by BlackBaud Institute for Philanthropic Impact, “Diversity in Giving,” nearly three-fourths of donors today are non-Hispanic whites, despite the fact that whites make up only 64 percent of the population. The underrepresentation of multicultural donors suggests that organized philanthropy is not doing an adequate job of engaging non-white communities.”

  • “One critical point to understand is a one-time program or event “targeting” a particular community does not work. Nonprofits have to recognize diverse communities as stakeholders and make sure inclusion is practiced throughout the engagement.”

  • “You do not have to reinvent the wheel completely when prospecting multicultural donors. Be open to advice from staff and volunteers who belong to the community, and be even more thoughtful about who makes the ask.”



Take the Challenge

Watch this video featuring Rocío Lorenzo as she delves into data and explains how your company can start producing fresher, more creative *ideas* by treating diversity as a competitive advantage.

Wednesday Quiz